Jack Shear has long had an interest in how artists collect the work of other artists. In 1999 he co-organized an exhibition on this topic at New York’s Drawing Center, Drawn from Artist’s Collections. A deeply curious collector with an interest in many types of art, he has recently focused much of his attention on drawings. As an artist himself, Shear understands how this medium is often closest to the nascence of creativity: drawing generally records its maker’s thoughts with unequivocal directness. This exhibition has been curated by the collector in an exploratory, free-flowing manner in which the forms, compositions and colors on the sheets respond to one another in a playful, non-traditional hang, as in the photograph above. Among the many artists visitors will be delighted to discover are Picasso, Neel, Hockney, Lichtenstein, Munch, Orozco, and Warhol — to name a few. Jack Shear is a photographer, curator, and Executive Director of the Ellsworth Kelly Foundation. He was instrumental in bringing Kelly’s Austin to the Blanton Museum of Art.
Visitors to the exhibition will notice there are no artwork labels on view. This omission is intentional. Jack Shear encourages the viewer to look at the art before reading about it. QR codes are visible in each gallery so visitors can learn about the artist, title, and medium, if they wish. Printed copies of this information are also available upon request from our Visitor Services Desk.