“The African-American family and its heritage has been the content of my work for several years. In large-scale portraits of family and friends I try to aggrandize ordinary people by painting them on a monumental scale.”

Fort Worth, Texas-based artist Sedrick Huckaby explores psychology, community, and the human condition in his powerful portraits painted from life. The artist prefers to engage directly with his sitters, acknowledging the intensity that results from collaborating with live models and people with whom he has a close personal connection. Through his virtuoso facility with oil paint, Huckaby utilizes texture, dimensionality and intensely saturated colors to extraordinary expressive effect. In this exhibition, the artist will show a series of new portraits featuring sitters posing with quilts—a type of object he has painted for years—along with an older, monumental painting of a quilt by itself.

“The art that I am most often occupied with is about the themes, people and places of my hometown. I found that I could address the issues of global importance through dealing with the same issues within my local community.”