Welcome to our resource hub for educators, students, and learners of all ages. Let art come to life through interactive tours of our galleries, detailed guides, teaching materials, and creative activities inspired by the Blanton’s collection.
Art in Depth
Take a deep dive into select artworks, artists, and exhibitions with our “Art in Depth” resources, designed to help you discover more about the art on view through essays and virtual visits.
Austin in Depth
If the Sky Were Orange
Off the Walls
Gifts from Professor John A. Robertson
Oscar Muñoz: Chronology
Oscar Muñoz: Cronología
Race and Social Justice in Art
The City
Vincent Valdez
Virtual Visits
Step inside the galleries of the museum virtually! This interactive 360-degree view let you move through exhibitions online, see high-resolution images, read in-depth descriptive text, listen to audio commentary from curators, and view related videos.
We recommend viewing these in full screen mode by clicking on the icon in the top right of each player.
Art of the Spanish Americas,
European Painting and Sculpture,
After Michelangelo, Past Picasso: Leo Steinberg’s Library of Prints
The Avant-garde Networks of Amauta: Argentina, Mexico, and Peru in the 1920s
Ed Ruscha: Drum Skins
The Artist at Work
Charles White: Celebrating the Gordon Gift
Arte Sin Fronteras: Prints from the Self Help Graphics Studio
Teaching Materials
Explore these resources which put art at the center of student learning. Designed for asynchronous learning, as prompts for classroom conversation, or as visual warm-ups.
Gallery Guides
Enhance your museum visit with these guides for all ages.
Art Activities
Unleash your creativity! Each activity uses common, inexpensive materials to make art inspired by works in the Blanton’s collection.